My life in China has recently perked up!
Invitation to summits here and seminars there started coming in and it definitely fired my veins up. Suddenly, China is not so boring anymore. The world out there was actually glad that finally, somebody will be able to represent the Chamber regularly. The pleasure is mine, of course.
And with all these developments, I decided to change this supposedly "Boredom-ranting-blog" into my very own Chamber Journal, thus, from being the "Chix & China", I renamed it "THE CHAMBERMAID."
I'm gonna go and try to dust my archive for the past activities I've represented the Chamber and will be updating this baby with the recent activities. Ah! This is going to be fun...sweeping the possibilities and opportunities as the Executive Director of thisChamber.
I wonder, what if EDs actually wear the stuff that the model above is clad with? Hehehe